myrna balk, artist
etchings, woodcuts, and monoprints sculpture photographs artist statement and bio fiber arts

Prostituted Women
The demand creates prostituted women and girls.

from The Demand Factor: Buying Despair
Woodcuts, etchings, and collages by Myrna Balk


Women who are prostituted come from all backgrounds and ethnic groups. A higher percentage of poorer women and women of color are prostituted.


unnamed women
"Unnamed women"
Releaf 8.5" x 11"

The Demand Factor

group of women
"Group of Women" Woodcut 12" x 16"
unnamed woman
"Unnamed woman" Etching 6" x 8"
18" x 24"
group of women
"Group of Girls"
Etching, monotype inking
10" x 10"
nepali girl
"Nepali Girl"
Aquatint etching 5" x 7"
unnamed girl
"After the Night "
Etching 6" x 9.5"
older woman
"Older woman"
Aquatint etching
9.5" x 11"

Myths about prostituted women:

  • There is a myth that prostituted women cannot be raped. In fact, 75% of the women have been raped by their pimp and the abusers whom they call “ tricks”. 93% have been victims of sexual assault. (Source: Miller and Schwartz)
  • There is a myth that prostituted women make money when in fact their pimp takes most of the money from them.
  • It's a myth that only women can be prostituted.

Below is specific information from the Coalition Against Trafficking of Women:

  • 75 to 95% of all prostitutes were sexually abused as children.
  • Child prostitution in the United States began to escalate in the late 1980’s after new laws made it more difficult for officials to detain runaway children.
  • The demand for prostituted children is increasing, as men feel safer from AIDS with younger girls. Some believe that intercourse with a virgin will cure their AIDS .
  • The FBI estimates that the children exploited are getting younger, some as young as 9.
  • Most experts believe that the children are subjected to more violence by the pimps.
  • The vast majority of teens prostituted today are runaways, illegal immigrants and children from poor urban areas, with a growing number from the middle class.
  • 300,000 to 600,000 juveniles are involved in prostitution in the United States.


contact Myrna Balk for permission to reprint
July 14, 2008
Contact Myrna Balk
site designed by joan schwartz